I have done more christmas shopping this year than ever before. This is a good thing. I am truly thankful for the chance to give cool things to my friends.
For the first time, I was not carded for alcohol... sigh.
I'm currently working on my third alcoholic beverage in as many weeks - this has got to be some sort of record for me. :-) Also: beer and taquitos, baby. Oh yeah.
Brenhaug's bachelor party was last weekend. Poor guy, going and getting married like that... thankfully I get to go to Hawaii (in 2 weeks!) and go to the wedding - Michy and Brian are great, individually, and together.
Work has had a "secret santa" thing over the last week - it's been crazy-fun. In addition to tons of chocolate, I received a snow-globe with like ten puppies around it ( =overload of cuteness), a glass chess set, and a "The Office" calendar. I think everybody who participated felt as loved as I did - and it felt really good to give, as well.
Speaking of work, here's a photo taken by our Safety Coordinator, who was documenting the state of things in lab and decided that Lizbeth and myself were also worthy of record. Anyhow, I thought it captured us quite well:
(Fig. 1: Liz shows me how to run the DMA, or "Dynamic Mechanical Analysis" machine. Oh, it's as exciting as it sounds, trust me.)
Oh cool. Does that machine measure the elastic (or inelastic?) properties of a polymer as it is loaded at different rates or frequencies? I wouldn't mind one of those for Xmas.
haha Its ok Jordan for not being carded. I just went to a bar Saturday where they failed to card me. Maybe cause I was with some married ffriends in their thirties, but either way I was amused.
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