Well, I've been a little subdued lately.
This weekend I went ATV-ing with Jacob, Sarah, and Ryan - it was tons of fun, and my first time out on the sand dunes. It was very exciting and decidedly un-subdued. I came back, though, on Sunday night, already so incredibly sore from the workout that I could barely walk. I'm still a little sore.
Next weekend is a three-day weekend. I'm looking forward to that. Anybody want to do anything?
Not much has been up. No changes here; I long ago discovered I do things at my own pace regardless of holidays, milestones, or social convention. Moreover, I think this stems from a deep desire to do things at God's pace... and I guess he's been slow, lately, too.
I had time to read while not on ATVs this weekend (Jacob's family only owns two, so we couldn't all be out at once) and so I'm a little further in Eldest, and also in "Of God and Men" by A.W. Tozer. Tozer is very convicting and, unfortunately, bad trends he observed back in the 1950s have not reversed themselves since...
"Americans are not naturally an unenthusiastic people... We walk faster, drive faster, earn more, spend more and run a higher blood pressure than any other people in the world.
In only one field of human interest are we slow and apathetic: that is the field of personal religion... So we find this strange and contradictory situation: a world of noisy, headlong religious activity carried on without moral energy or spiritual fervor.
The flush and excitement of the soul in love must be sought in the New Testament or in the biographies of the saints; we look for them in vain among the professed followers of Christ in our day."
Also, I had a great time driving to San Diego and back with Ryan. On the way there, we listened to John Cleese read The Screwtape Letters (yay books on tape!) and I was reminded again of how incredible that book is. On the way back, we had a very timely discussion on the prospect of being single Christian guys and how difficult and awesome that can be. It was a Good time.
Words to the wise in this crazy season:
1. Don't complain about the lack of available "good" members of the opposite gender. You are always wrong, and you just end up seeming bitter and thoughtless. Especially when you complain to members of the opposite gender who happen to be single.
2. Be honest with God and yourself, even if that involves yelling. He will understand.
3. Read 1 Cor. 13:4-8 and remember that it's talking about love for everyone, charity (agape).
4. Remember you are never alone, always loved, and eternally embraced.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." - 1 Cor. 13:12.
"If your patient is aware that horrors may be in store for him, and is praying for the virtues wherewith to meet them, and meanwhile, concerning himself with the present, because there and there alone all duty, all grace, all knowledge, and all pleasure dwell - his state is very undesirable and should be attacked at once. Here again, our philological arm has done good work: try the word "complacency" on him. But of course, it is most likely that he is living in the present for none of these reasons but simply because his health is good and he is enjoying his work. The phenomenon would then be merely natural. All the same, I should break it up if I were you. No natural phenomenon is really in our favor; and anyway, why should the creature be happy?
Your affectionate uncle,
1 comment:
Happy Valentine's Day!
I love you and am so proud of you.
Would really like to get that John Cleese tape of Screwtape.
Hope you recover soon from soreness; ask Arnold if biweekly workouts at his gym would help.
It's just
Your Mother
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