Saturday, October 14


It's a Saturday night again and I have no plans. I've been playing my bass and relaxing, but that is not really what I'd wanted to relate:

A little while back, I'd heard that Love Actually is a good movie, and had thus put it on my netflix queue, and in the fullness of time, it arrived in my mailbox. Now, though, I am sitting here at home, not really wanting to watch it, just because I've got no one to watch it with. I fear that watching Love Actually by myself might end up in the running for my "Saddest Moment Ever."

So am I still a Romantic, because I wait to watch it? Would I be wasting my money if I sent it back unwatched? Why trouble my soul over what is arguably just a movie?

For the record, I must confess I watched Must Love Dogs last weekend, by myself. It's a cute movie, and I think that of all the leading men in the world of romantic comedies, I am probably most similar to John Cusack. What do you think?

And I'd agree with his character in the movie that "hearts grow back bigger." :-)

Lastly, I was reading some AW Tozer this morning, and came across this interesting bit:
"We may as well face it: the whole level of spirituality among us is low. We have measured ourselves by ourselves until the incentive to seek higher plateaus in the things of the Spirit is all but gone." - Of God and Men, p. 12.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So ask someone over next weekend.
Remember the romantic comedy ends happily.
Love, MOM